Harding Township Open Space and Recreation Plan
Open Space and Recreation Plan
Harding Township

Harding Township in Morris County has a long history of open space preservation with over 6,200 acres (47.1%) of the Township preserved. This achievement has protected the Township’s traditional rural development pattern and its high quality natural resources, the two over-riding goals of the Township’s Master Plan. The foundation for this Plan goes back many decades with the federal and county preservation of the four largest open space areas, the Great Swamp, Morristown National Historical Park (Jockey Hollow), Lewis Morris Park and Loantaka Brook Reservation, which together comprise many thousands of acres.
HGA was retained in 2019 to develop an update to the Township’s 2008 Plan. The Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) guides the Township’s open space protection and preservation. Having an updated OSRP allows the Township to appropriately guide development away from areas that should be preserved.
The OSRP was prepared in conformance with the State’s Green Acres Program, allowing the Township to apply for enhanced open space funding and qualifying the Township for larger acquisition and park development grants.