Highlands Form-Based Code Option
Form-Based Code
Borough of Highlands
HGA created a Form Based Code (FBC) and Design Guidelines for the Borough of Highlands’ Central Business District (CBD) that establishes a framework for new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings. This new set of development regulations aims to bring about the desired physical elements associated with an active, pedestrian-oriented “main street”. The FBC stipulates building use, massing, relation to the lot and to the street, as well as other features that will guarantee a development achieves the goals of the Highlands’ Master Plan.
Additional zoning policy updates included in this document address sustainability and resiliency to severe weather events. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, it has become increasingly critical for municipalities in coastal areas and other areas subject to flooding to adopt more stringent design standards to limit or prevent the loss of property and create a more sustainable and resilient community.