Millstone Township Farmland Preservation
Farmland Preservation Plan
Millstone Township

HGA prepared Millstone Township’s revised Farmland Perseveration Plan in 2020. The main objective of the 2020 Millstone Township Comprehensive Farmland Preservation Plan is to guide Millstone Township's continuing efforts to preserve its remaining farmland and maintain a viable agricultural industry. Farming is a significant component of the Township's economy, and farmland is an irreplaceable natural resource. The plan identifies project areas to target for preservation and sets preservation goals in 1-, 5- and 10-year increments.
Millstone Township is a rural community with a rich agricultural heritage. Preservation of farmland is a priority for the Township because maintaining a highly dense land area within the Township that is dedicated to agriculture will support the sustainability of farming within the community. Agricultural lands are found throughout Millstone Township, including significant acreage devoted to crop production, equine farms, and nursery operations. The Township has over 7,800 acres of assessed farmland within the Township. Farms are located throughout the Township, often abutting more developed areas. These properties are either assessed as 3A: Regular Farmland or 3B: Qualified Farmland. While farmland continues to be subdivided and converted to other uses, the Township also continues to preserve farms. Of the remaining farmland, 1,446 acres have been preserved at a cost of roughly $25 million. The Township estimates that another 1,000 acres of farmland could potentially be preserved within the next 10 years, subject to availability of funding.
HGA worked closely with the Township’s Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) to develop the updated Plan.