Toms River Sustainability and Resiliency Master Plan Update
HGA was retained by the Township of Toms River to prepare a Sustainability and Resiliency Master Plan Update, which was prepared as part of the New Jersey Post-Sandy Grant Program. Looking to the future, the coastal community of Toms River is concerned with the implications of climate change and seal level rise, and the long-term effects of human development and high-impact lifestyles on the environment. In the wake of damaged sustained during Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene, Toms River determined a proactive approach to sustainable development standards would be in the best interest of their residents.
The Sustainability and Resiliency Master Plan Update focused upon translating the findings and recommendations of studies and plans completed since Superstorm Sandy into updated Master Plan policies and development regulations. The previous Master Plan contained only a limited number of objectives and land development policies related to resiliency and sustainability. This updated Master Plan document provides goals and specific strategies related to resiliency and sustainability for each Master Plan element. The Elements included Land Use, Circulation, Utility Service, Conservation, Open Space and Recreation, Recycling, Energy Conservation, Economic Development and Community Facilities.