HGA is a community planning firm dedicated to developing solutions tailored to the needs of our clients and the communities we represent.

Lacey Township Natural Resource Inventory

Natural Resource inventory

Lacey Township

HGA was retained by the Township of Lacey to prepare a Natural Resource Inventory (NRI). The NRI is a a valuable tool used by communities to inform land use policy and to ground land use decision-making with an understanding of the underlying environmental conditions upon which all development occurs. It provides a snapshot of the environmental features of a community and serves as a resource for the public and municipal officials to understand their community’s environmental conditions.

The NRI includes analysis of fifteen aspects of Lacey’s natural resources. Examples include:

  • Geography and Topography;

  • Ground Water Hydrology;

  • Land Use Land Cover;

  • Floodplains & Flood Hazard Areas; and

  • Critical Environmental and Historic Sites

Extensive mapping and analysis was completed as a component of this project.