North Middletown Redevelopment Plan
North Middletown redevelopment Plan
Township Of Middletown
HGA prepared the North Middletown Redevelopment Plan. The revitalization, continued growth, and sustainability of neighborhood commercial areas and residential neighborhoods are key components of the Township of Middletown’s long term goals. The vision for this area was to create a mixed use building with retail and townhouse house style residential units on the ground floor and apartment style residential units on the upper floors. The “arts and crafts” style of some of the homes found in the surrounding neighborhood was used as inspiration for the design standards and concept plan.
The goals of the plan include:
Improve the North Middletown neighborhood with new mixed use development that will improve the surrounding area.
Improve the utilization of land which can be more effectively redeveloped and/ or rehabilitated for community benefit.
Promote economic development and broaden the Township’s tax base.
Improve the neighborhood retail area located at Port Monmouth Road and Ocean Avenue.
Encourage mixed use development.
Provide for a safe pedestrian environment within the residential neighborhood and along Port Monmouth Road and Ocean Avenue.
Utilize a Form-Based Code style regulations to provide understandable and predictable developments.
Enhance the existing neighborhood by implementing design standards that are influenced by the “arts and crafts” style.
Encourage developers to meet sustainable/ green standards