Waterford Haines Boulevard Redevelopment Plan
Haines Boulevard Redevelopment Plan
Township of Waterford
HGA prepared the Haines Boulevard Redevelopment Plan for Waterford Township in the County of Camden. The 146-acre redevelopment area is located adjacent to the Atco Train Station in the northwest corner of Waterford. The majority of the Area has been vacant for over 20 years. However, its location next to mass transit creates an ideal incentive for developers. The intent of the Plan was to encourage economic growth in the Area and create a gateway for the Waterford community.
Key goals from the Plan include:
Promote Area-wide development.
Provide quality housing options for a variety of household types and incomes.
Generate cohesive and vibrant commercial districts to serve the local and regional populations.
Improve the utilization of land.
Produce a flexible site plan that allows for a range of development.
The Plan breaks the Area down into six distinct land use districts, each with its own set of strategies and regulations to ensure implementation of the Plan’s goals. The districts include two residential districts, one TOD/mixed-use, a community commercial, institutional, and utilities.
Within the Area, there are nearly 20 different property owners on varying lot sizes. This matter was a central focus for the Township. Therefore, a critical component of the Plan was to envision a way in which development of the Area could be organized so that each property owner can individually develop his or her own plot of land or sell to an interested buyer.
The Plan also includes a Concept Plan, designed to provide an illustrative long-term vision for the Area. The concept takes into account current conditions and ownership patterns and envisions a mixed-use development adjacent to a traditional neighborhood layout that will foster community ideals and support business endeavors.