South Bergen Street Redevelopment Plan
South Bergen Street Redevelopment Plan
City of Newark

Newark’s South Bergen Street corridor, once a lively neighborhood commercial shopping district serving the daily needs of adjacent residential areas, has suffered disinvestment and property deterioration. Recognizing the corridor’s proximity to stable residential neighborhoods and several medical, recreational, and cultural anchor institutions, the City retained HGA to prepare a redevelopment plan that would set development goals for the corridor with new use, bulk and design standards, while also attracting economic development and investment.
The South Bergen Street Redevelopment plan was based on a thorough existing conditions analysis of land use, demographics, community facilities, building types, and circulation patterns. Two new zones were created, with an expanded set of permitted uses encompassing and encouraging mixed-use, and modern use configurations such as live-work units.
New bulk regulations for the district took on elements of a form-based code, tying permitted residential building types to lot size, with graphical illustrations to clarify the intent of the text. Step back requirements allow for increased density without drastic changes to the character of the district. Design standards covering building facade, transparency, storefronts, and, signage, among other streetscape elements, will encourage high quality design while still permitting variety.
Sustainability goals emerged as a high priority concern for neighborhood residents and stakeholders. Toward that end, the plan includes an innovative regulatory approach that requires developers to choose from a menu of sustainable development action items. Density bonuses become available as developers incorporate sustainable design elements above the minimum requirements.
Community input was highly valued throughout the planning process. Issues, goals and objectives were identified at three public meetings where the residents of the corridor voiced their concerns and their preferences for the future development of the Bergen Street corridor.